Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What's cooking tonight?

This section is going to have some of my favourite recipes that have been tried and tested. I am no gourmet chef, but I do love to cook delicious food with as little effort as possible.

When I'm on holiday I always get a bit more adventurous, but generally during the working week, it is all about getting good food on the table as quickly as possible!

I will try to be as accurate as possible, will try to add photos, and will always reference my recipes from their source. (However, I am known to not follow the recipe very often). My mother will vouch for that, especially as a teenager learning to cook!

Please feel free to email me recipes yourself and I will add them. Give yourself an alias, or your name if you prefer and I will credit you with the blog entry, but most importantly make sure it is tried and tested, and that there is not too much skill required! We can then all comment on how good it is when we try it ourselves.

Happy cooking....

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