Friday, April 25, 2014

Passionfruit and Lemon Tart with Burnt Sugar

This is a fabulous dessert by Mindfood. I did not change the recipe at all and it turned out perfectly. As you can see from the picture it was not so easy to cut! But a great dessert that is not too sweet.

 Sweet Pastry (or use the bought stuff)
125g unsalted butter
100g caster sugar
1 egg, plus two yolks
250g flour

Passionfruit And Lemon Filling
2 cups cream
½ cup sugar
1 lemon, zest only
3 egg yolks, plus two eggs
175ml lemon juice
85ml passionfruit pulp, whisked and seeds strained

caster sugar for the glaze
whipped cream or ice cream, to serve
3 passionfruit, halved, to serve

Take a medium-sized mixing bowl and cream the butter and sugar together until pale in colour. Add the egg and stir to combine. Next, lightly mix through the flour until dough forms. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate until required.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a 28cm diameter by 3cm height round flan tin. Cut out a circle of baking paper to place in the bottom of the tin.
On a lightly floured bench, roll the pastry out to a 5mm thick round. Gently lay the pastry into the flan tin and press into the edges. Using a knife, trim the excess pastry from the lip of the tin. Rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This will prevent the pastry from shrinking when you bake it.
Blind bake the pastry shell for 20 minutes until slightly golden, using baking paper weighted with beans, rice or similar. Remove the paper and weights, turn the oven down to 150°C and continue to bake until the base is cooked and crisp (about 10 minutes). Beat the yolks lightly and brush around the inside of the tart and return to the oven for a minute. Remove from the oven and cool. (The yolk will create a protective membrane and prevent any possible leakage.)
Turn oven temperature to 120°C.
For the filling, gently heat cream, sugar and lemon zest together in a saucepan until sugar is dissolved.
Whisk eggs and yolks together in a mixing bowl. While whisking continuously, slowly drizzle the hot cream into eggs a little at a time until fully combined. Stir through the lemon juice and passionfruit juice, before straining custard through a sieve. Let custard sit for 5 minutes and skim any froth off the top.
Fill your pre-baked shell with custard and bake for 45-50 minutes until the tart is just set. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Refrigerate once tart is completely cool.
Sprinkle a healthy layer of caster sugar over your tart and “brûlée” with a gas blowtorch until dark and close to burnt in places.
Portion up with a hot knife and serve with a dollop of cream and half a fresh passionfruit on the side

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