22 Jelicoe Street, Viaduct, Auckland
Overall rating: 5
This gets our vote for BEST FISH SHOP IN AUCKLAND
Are you sick of looking at the fish in the supermarket and wondering how old it is? A trip to the Auckland fish Market is definitely the place to go as you are guaranteed the fish will be fresh, and the prices reasonable.
An array of fish and seafood is available, whole, filleted, kebabs, stuffed, etc.
Along with the fish store, you can eat at the restaurants attached to the same building. And there is even a grocery store, with fresh produce in the same building, making it a one stop shop.
There is now a night market on a Thursday night from 5-9pm. I haven't been to it yet, but if you plan to eat there it is the night to go. (I'll update the blog when we have been).
On top of this, there is also a Seafood School, with a range of classes to choose from, and a wine shop that even stocked one of our favourite wines from Matakana, the Imposter, from Omaha Bay Vineyard. I think they have all bases covered!
This is a great place to take visitors from out of town!
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